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10 Things You Don't Know About Me, Sandy Baudoux from Bold Centennial

Updated: May 1, 2020

Here are ten facts that you likely don't know about me. I thought it would be fun for you to get to know the girl behind the screen.

1. I am a second year in college studying Business Administration, with an emphasis in Entrepreneurship. I knew I wanted to be in business since middle school.

2. I have created an organization to help the homeless called Homeless Caring Pack. With the help of my sister, we hold numerous fundraisers a year to raise money and donate back to the homeless in our community.

3. I tend to do things on a whim ... that's how I got my current theater job and my marketing internship. I one day decided to apply to at the movies, another day I decided to start applying to plenty of internships

4. I am an extremely picky eater, but I am trying to do better. I now have a series called "Sandy Tries Knew Things" on my Snapchat now.

5. I am addicted to Takis, so much so that when I'm sick, all I crave are Takis and Cheez-its.

6. I love makeup. I may not do the most extravagant looks, but I do have a decent makeup collection and love to experiment a bunch.

7. When I was in 7th grade, I got hit by a truck as I was riding my bike to school on the 2nd day. I then texted my mom instead of calling her to tell her I've been hit. I left the accident with nothing but road burn over my entire leg. The police and ambulance said if I was hit a half a second later, I'd probably have flown over the car.

8. As a first year in college, I got accepted to a study abroad in Italy during winter break, a class I should have taken my senior year.

9. I've been into computers and technology for as long as I can remember. I remember my mom's friend when I was in 2nd grade being fully impressed and concerned I knew how to download games on a computer.

10. My favorite color is blue but I wear a lot of maroon and olive green (and blue of course).

That's it for my facts! Let me know a fun fact about yourself too.

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May 13, 2019

Love this! Thanks for sharing about you!

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