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The Super Sponge | My Honest Review

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

As a disclaimer, this post is about The Super Sponge version 1, I have a review for the Super Sponge version 2 found here!

Silicone Infused Super Sponge and Scrubber

Super Sponge is supposedly the new best thing since the beauty blender. It has been in process of development for two years and is basically like a beauty blender, but the top 2/3 is silicone-infused. Why? Because they claim the silicone allows for less makeup absorbance into the sponge which also means it's easier to clean. It has been on preorder for a few months now, meaning you could get it at a discounted price of $19.95 instead of $29. I was so excited to try this out after a few good reviews by popular makeup artists on YouTube, but that excitement died rather rapidly.

I first opened it and read the back of the pack and instructions on the website. It said to wet the sponge, keeping the non-silicone part down as you squeeze out excess water. Easy, just like the beauty blender. I applied my primer and then got started.

Silicone Infused Super Sponge with Foundation

It then says to use the silicone-infused section to apply the makeup in a gliding motion. It seemed weird, but I'm open for something new. I soon realized it caused slight streaks in certain areas, but other areas such as my forehead did look pretty good. The major problems occured on my nose and my cheeks. All of the foundation was getting gathered in my pores, having very obvious dots of makeup-filled pores on me. Ew..... The instructions online say to use the back to the sponge (the non-silicone area,or the perfector and eraser side) to perfect the makeup once you had applied it. Well, this caused my makeup to come off. I had to go to work and decided to just use my normal brush and fix it all, but those dots would not come off without excessive force.

Now you might be thinking, Sandy, you didn't apply your primer well enough or your sponge was too wet. Okay, fair point. I tried it on Day 2.

The next day, I chose to wait for my moisturizer to properly dry and I did not apply any primer, just to give it a fair chance. I also made sure to remove all the excess water very well. Maybe my makeup won't last as long, but at least there's an even application. Welp, same thing happened. The dots on my nose were even worse. The cheeks were maybe a tad better, but the light streaks were still apparent. I followed the instructions and used the rounded side to pat it all in and perfect my look. Well, it sure did perfect the look of obvious pores. I can say this quite honestly, I will not be using this sponge again, much less buy one again.

I was really looking forward to using a new sponge and it all sounded amazing. I have not tried cleaning it yet, so maybe it does clean well, but my foundation looks terrible so it's not worth a good clean. If you guys have any tips on how to use the sponge, surely comment them down below and perhaps I will change my mind about the sponge. For now, there's no way I can continue using it. My trusty Real Techniques Sponge is the way to go.

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